Yo people. This is Christabel here, alan's best friend. Dunno who I am? i'm that pretty little girl in his blog banner loh, on top. The one that looks like a weird teddy bear in the bottom right picture, 2nd from the left. Can't see clearly? ok la i show you a picture from my recent photo shoot:

Yo yo all the sk8r b0is in the house yo.
I managed to hack into his account so that i can blog on his wonderful blog, since i don't have a blog of my own.
Huh? what? i do? No fools, i already made that blog private, so that i can blog about all my scandalous and juicy happenings without anyone seeing what's happening! Yes, my life is very interesting ok. Such as easily nabbing job interviews and rejecting them, skating circles around my friends at Jurong Ice Skating Rink and other interesting stuff.
huh? invite you to read my blog? nonono.. it's private. Hmm.. ok i'll do that if you pay me $4815162342. Yea that's a staggering amount, i know. Donald Trump already paid up to read my blog, yes, even he couldn't resist the juicy gossip in my blog. So start saving up kiddos.
Anyway i just wanted to blog about something loserish that happened to me today. I feel so dumb and dumberer.

Yo yo all the sk8r b0is in the house yo.
I managed to hack into his account so that i can blog on his wonderful blog, since i don't have a blog of my own.
Huh? what? i do? No fools, i already made that blog private, so that i can blog about all my scandalous and juicy happenings without anyone seeing what's happening! Yes, my life is very interesting ok. Such as easily nabbing job interviews and rejecting them, skating circles around my friends at Jurong Ice Skating Rink and other interesting stuff.
huh? invite you to read my blog? nonono.. it's private. Hmm.. ok i'll do that if you pay me $4815162342. Yea that's a staggering amount, i know. Donald Trump already paid up to read my blog, yes, even he couldn't resist the juicy gossip in my blog. So start saving up kiddos.
Anyway i just wanted to blog about something loserish that happened to me today. I feel so dumb and dumberer.
I was supposed to meet alan at boonkeng mrt to pass him my portable hard drive so that he can upload all the Prison Break S3 episodes onto it for me.
Ya i know, he having exams, but he still said it was ok! So nice la he. Boonkeng mrt isn't exactly at his doorstep ok, it's like 10 minutes away. AND, he said he was feeling a little sick today, got flu or something. Sore throat and stuff. He is seriously my bestest friend. Hope he gets better.
Anyway, yea so being the lazy girl I am, i asked my mother if she could drive me to boonkeng mrt, even though i had a straight bus from practically just outside my house. Lazy to walk all the way to the bus stop la, later i sweat abit how!? Then the paparazzi will have an un-glam shot of me. =X
Omg did i just said i SWEAT? Pardon me, i meant PERSPIRE. Only men and horses sweat, beautiful creatures like me PERSPIRE. Yes i meant perspire, sorry for that mistake.
And well being the nice and caring mother she is, she told me to EXERCISE as i was getting fat. Fat?!? Hello do i look fat to you? -bares fists- Ok la maybe a little bit of tummy fat only but i'm not fat ok! And she was going to Heartland Mall so i could meet alan and then go heartland mall to meet her after that, and we can go home together.
So being the brilliant little girl I am, i decided NOT to bring my house keys! I mean, those heavy things, weigh like a few GRAMS and will pull me down and make me shorter than i already am. After all, I am meeting my mom later ain't I? so i dont need my house keys. Nah, i wouldn't have a need to go back earlier, my mom wont meet any friend to have coffee with, i wouldn't forget anything, sure no reason to go back! so dont need keys.
Thus i left the house and glamorously walked to the busstop to take the bus. My mom walked to her car, as i read an SMS from alan, saying something about one episode of PB being screwed up. Nvm, still can watch the rest! Just pass him the hard disk later and he'll pass back on sunday! yay!
So as i continued walking, my mom drove off in her car and laughed at me as she drove past. Grr.
Until i reached the busstop, as i fiddled for my wallet... did i realise something - I FORGOT TO BRING THE HARD DISK!!
Ok calm down calm down i'll just go back to my house and take it... OH WAIT! I DIDN'T BRING MY KEYS!! Zzz shittyyyy.
Yes i don't know why i'm so loser to leave the house without the only reason why i'm even leaving the house in the first place (the hard disk) , and didn't realise it even though i'm msging Alan about it. argh.
So in the end i had to call him to cancel the lunch meeting. I feel so bad! make him plan his activities then i suddenly screw up his routine like that. And he's not feeling well somemore. :(
Why why why am i so loserr. I'm so sad can please comfort me. sobs sobs. Then i had to find something to do ma! My mother would take dunno how long so i had to entertain myself. So i called up my friend who lived around heartland mall and asked if my friend was free for me to go over. so i went.
Was it a guy or girl friend?
Don't tell you!
Peace out yo.